Find Your Wild
Welcome to the Wolf Moon. We start with nothing, bare and empty handed. We know that a new year doesn't actually mean a clean slate or that all the woes of the last year will be magically healed, but it's natural for us to pause after the busyness of the holidays and reconsider the path we are on. That's why, as a community, we chose simplicity as the theme for January. When Jesus sent out his disciples to proclaim good news and heal the minds and bodies of the people they encountered, he told them to bring nothing but a walking stick. Since we don't live in a society where a new person in a city can expect to be taken into a home where they will be sheltered and fed until they move on, our needs are different, but it's an interesting invitation to weigh the things we carry. If you celebrate Candlemas, or Imbolc, or St. Brigid's day, it's a good time for a symbolic sweeping out of the hearth, clearing out the corners of your room to make space and clear the air for something new. If you've never celebrated one of these before, maybe read a little and try something new.